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Found 51169 results for any of the keywords academic freedom. Time 0.008 seconds.
Academic freedom is the belief that the freedom of inquiry by faculty members is essential to the mission of the academy as well as the principles of academia, and that scholars should have freedom to teach or communicate ideas or facts (including those that are inconvenient to external political groups or to authorities) without being targeted for repression, job loss, or imprisonment. -- Wikipedia No TitleEducation is all about creating an environment of academic freedom, where bright minds meet, discover and learn.
American Council on EducationThe American Council on Education (ACE) is a membership organization that mobilizes the higher education community to shape effective public policy and foster innovative, high-quality practice.
Features | Times Higher Education (THE)Long reads and analysis covering university issues, global higher education, the lives of academics and research policy
EIMT: European Institute of Management And TechnologyEIMT is a truly innovative and dynamic business and management school that aspires to
News | dailycal.orgThroughout Berkeley’s history, Black activists have made incredible progress in racial, socioeconomic and education equality.
Campus | dailycal.orgThroughout Berkeley’s history, Black activists have made incredible progress in racial, socioeconomic and education equality.
NRA Ring of Freedom | NRA Ring of FreedomJoin the NRA Ring of Freedom to support and preserve American freedoms. Discover membership benefits, donation options, and special events for patriots dedicated to securing the future of freedom.
Academic Writing Services in Australia | Do My Academic AssignmentAvail Academic Writing Services in Australia with a 50% discount. We provide the finest academic writing assistance to students worldwide, catering to their criteria for academic writing.
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Academic & University News | Times Higher Education (THE)Resources foracademics and university staff
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